Debbie Cassidy | Vedic Master Educator, RN, MSN

Living Wellness –
Body Mind Spirit

An integrative, holistic approach to health and wellness.

Living Wellness – Body Mind Spirit

An integrative, holistic approach to health and wellness.


Join me for the second annual silent retreat “When the Soul Whispers” October 23-27. 2024. For information go to

Check the calendar for sound healing dates. Slip into total relaxation and healing with crystal singing bowls.

I had my spiritual awakening moment where Source gave me a gift in the form of three words “So change it”. I was reminded in that instance there was something more for me. I began my journey back to self.

Have you ever wondered if there is more for you? More understanding of where you were, where you are now, and where you would like to be? So change it…

“Every great journey begins with a single step”

-Lao Tzu

Services Available

A Journey Back to Self

“No matter how deeply we have been wounded, when we listen to the inner voice that calls us back to our bodies, back to wholeness, we begin our journey.”
-Tara Brach

The Journey Back to Self and Self-Love is a program to help you navigate life, which is often filled with many twists and turns, avoidance and confronting, learning and letting go. It’s a journey that can help you consciously dive deep into your deepest wounds and treasures from this lifetime, generational trauma, and the trauma being brought forward through the generations.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Program

Are you seeking a more integrative, holistic approach to health and wellness? Would you like a greater understanding of how to bring greater balance and healing into your life? Not just balance and healing for your body but also to your mind and spirit as well? Click here for more information about how my Ayurvedic Lifestyle program can help you be in balance Body – Mind – Spirit.

Ancient Wisdom Mantra Meditation

Has stress become a part of your life that it is normalized to you. Are you drowning in the stress hamster wheel of your work or your life? Do you know what the impact of stress has on your body, mind, spirit? Would you like to quiet your mind? To access a deeper state of relaxation and awareness? Do you meditate? Have you been wanting to meditate but don’t know how to begin? Click here to learn more about the type of meditation I practice daily and offer to others.

Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

“Yoga is the dance of every cell with the music of every breath that creates inner serenity and harmony”
-Debasish Mridha

This yoga class was developed and designed for a yoga practice the help you unite body, mind, and spirit by incorporating the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success written by Deepak Chopra. The principles teach that harmony, happiness, and abundance are available to anyone willing to embrace a consciousness-based approach to life. This class brings the seven laws into action. One of the principles will be explored with each class.

Sound Healing

Sound vibrations impact our nervous system, engaging our relaxation reflex and inhibiting the stress or pain response and induce altered states of consciousness. Crystal bowls create a vibration that will amplify and transform the healing energies, and work directly with the body helping to reline our chakras and physical body to its natural state of vibration.

Come join me at an event and experience deep relaxation as you allow the sound and vibration of the bowls to flow through you.

About Debbie

Welcome, I’m Debbie. Are you looking for better health, whether it’s physically, emotionally, or spiritually?

Are you searching for something deeper in your life, but you don’t know what? Would you like to flourish, to integrate, to thrive?

Would you like with more peace, inner peace in your life? Would you like to know your purpose, the deeper purpose for your life?

Transform your life with divine opening to the grace where you feel in sync with the world and the pace of your life.

If you would like to feel more empowered and with a healthier body, mind, and spirit – take a step forward toward transformation with the courage to seek what you desire.

Proudly Certified Through

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